Art Expo Sponsor

Art Expo Sponsor: $8,000

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At the Art Expo we invite local artists to showcase their love for art. Poets, artists, playwrights, and composers are often sources of truth, order, harmony, and meaning. Artists can unlock our imagination and stir us to pause, think, and reflect.

The Art Expo also brings art workshops, and activities to engage the community. You will find art and culture throughout the grounds of the festival, such as with Aztec dance groups, and arts and crafts. Today, more than ever, the arts are needed by our young people as a forum for self-expression, communication, exploration, imagination, cultural, and historical understanding.

  • You will be named the Art Expo Sponsor
  • One (1) 3×5 banner will be strategically placed in this highly visited area
  • Your company’s logo will be placed on the back of Art Expo Committee T-shirts
  • Presence under Art Expo tent
  • Marketing Package included
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